Why Sign Up for a Membership?

  • 🎬 Access the REPLAYS for one week!

  • 🎬 Join effortlessly—no weekly sign-ups

  • 🎬 Receive a 30% discount on each movie gathering

What You'll Receive

  • Access to four movie gatherings each month plus their REPLAYS—from the comfort of your own home!

  • Expand your practice of forgiveness through deep and insightful movie commentary by long-term Living Miracles community members.

  • Opportunities to share your prayer or ask a question to unlock a deeper experience of authentic healing.

  • Easy access to the Zoom link in your membership package, plus practical mind tools for movie watching.

  • A link to invite friends to join you for the movie gathering via a discounted group ticket.

  • A boost for your awakening through the power and lightheartedness of joining with mighty companions!

Movie Gathering Facilitators

Jason Warwick & Peter Kirk

Jason and Peter have given over their lives to being guided by Jesus and the Holy Spirit and have been devoted members of the Living Miracles Community for many years. They bring a unique depth and wisdom that helps bring the principles of "A Course in Miracles" to life!

Kenneth Clifford & Nana Bregvadze

Kenneth and Nana have been profoundly touched by the teachings of Jesus as presented in "A Course in Miracles" and have given their lives over to share the message of unconditional love with everyone they meet. They are dedicated to sharing the experience of joy, laughter, and peace that comes from an uncompromising devotion to God.

Zach Bellows & Kristen Marcoux

Zach and Kristen are both long term members of the Living Miracles community and a beautiful demonstration of light-heartedness and joy that comes from following the guidance of the Spirit. Their devotion, humor, and transparency about their own journey is an inspiration for those wanting to apply the teachings of Jesus and ACIM in their daily life.

Testimonials from Past Participants

“Love, love, love the movies! They are just as powerful as ever.”

“With the different presenters, each movie gathering feels fresh. Each one brings their own flavor to the movie and the teachings! ”

“Every week, I have new insights. The movie commentaries always touch on a theme that is present for me, and I always leave with a smile in my heart. ”

Make Way for Miracles!

Instead of using movies for entertainment or escapism, we use them as a practical way to approach forgiveness and healing in mind. In this way, movie-watching can be transformed into a healing experience where we observe our emotions and thoughts.

Watch how each scene becomes an opportunity for miracles and healing by learning to view the world through forgiving eyes!


Click on the arrow for answers to some common questions about our weekly movie gatherings.

  • How can movies help me with spiritual growth?

    Using Movies for healing offers us a profound way to access deep emotions and find insights from the Spirit. Because you are feeling relaxed and safe in your home you can allow up the thoughts and feelings evoked through the movie and commentary, making them powerful tools for spiritual growth.

  • How can I tell who the facilitator will be each week?

    Each movie gathering is facilitated by one or two long-standing members of the Living Miracles community, who have resided and collaborated alongside David and the community for many years. You can go to the event page each weekend to find out who that weekend's facilitator will be.

  • If I don't have a debit/credit card, is there an alternative payment method available?

    If you don't have a debit or credit card, please contact us. We will send you an alternate link for PayPal. However, it will not be a recurring subscription and so you will need to renew it each month.

  • What kind of movies are shown?

    The sole purpose of our movie gatherings is healing of the mind. Each week the facilitator(s) pray about which movie will best facilitate the healing themes that are present in the mind. The title of the movie will be made known during the setup talk of the movie gathering.

  • Will the recording be available afterward?

    As a movie gathering member, you will receive access to the entire replay inside your membership package. This is made available for one week for members only.

  • Are these movie gatherings part of the Tribe of Christ membership?

    No, these weekly movie gatherings are not a part of the Tribe of Christ membership. You will find other online community events throughout the week in Tribe of Christ.