ACIM Online Retreats
Experience a deep sense of intimacy, purpose, and joy!
Now Available "On-Demand"
Learn how to apply the teachings of A Course in Miracles on a daily basis through our 3-day retreat packages with renowned ACIM teacher David Hoffmeister and his students. Each retreat package can be experienced at your own pace, with unlimited return access, and provides over 10 hours of high-quality video teachings, insightful Q&A, heartfelt music, and a mind-blowing movie commentary session!
Listen to David share about the inspiring purpose of these online retreats!
The authentic journey to God is one of openness and transparency. Learn how to embrace this state of mind through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
The world will end in laughter! When your laughter grows so strong inside of you that nothing that can come against it, you've reached the state of Heaven. Learn how to joyfully let go of the world through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package
Our relationship with God is so powerful that its Love transcends time and space! Open to the experience of this eternal Love through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
The pure experience of God's Love comes through the simple attitude of giving. Learn how to give truly through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Embrace your divine innocence and be renewed! Learn how through this "Reborn in the Light of Christ" 3-Day ACIM Retreat package with A Course in Miracles teachers, David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Jesus is 100% accessible to us in all situations, without fail. Deepen your relationship with him through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher, David Hoffmeister.
Join us for a life-changing 3-day pre-recorded ACIM retreat with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu, where you will be guided on a profound journey of radical trust and inner transformation.
We are entitled to miracles! When we step out of the way, we discover that they are involuntary, natural expressions of Love. Learn how to become consistently miracle-minded through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with David Hoffmeister.
Explore a new understanding of abundance—one that goes beyond material wealth and taps into the boundless wellspring of joy, peace, and fulfillment within you. Dive in through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with David Hoffmeister.
Embrace the Holy Spirit's happy purpose of forgiveness, which is beyond anything this world can offer you. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
The presence of Light is within you and has already overcome the ego. Open to this reality through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Every call in our heart is answered by God through the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Learn how to connect with Him and experience a life of miracles! Enjoy this 2-day ACIM workshop package recorded in Japan led by A Course in Miracles teacher Frances Xu.
Let your mind become a clean slate, ready to be filled with the divine guidance and love of the Holy Spirit. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Embrace the Vision of Christ that exists in the present moment. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Discover the eternal realm of God's presence, where everlasting peace abides untouched by the illusion of time. Enter the mystical realm through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Enter into the relationship you've been yearning for since time began! Fall into Love through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Peace of mind comes from trusting in the Holy Spirit. Nurture your relationship with Him through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers, David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Surrender now to the guiding embrace of love and experience a life filled with miracles. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Looking at the world through the awareness of dreaming will make you indescribably happy! Open your mind to this joyful perspective through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Inside of you is a strength, safety, and serenity that is untouched by anything of this world. Move inward toward this mystical presence through this prerecorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Release the programming of the world and remember the divine purpose bestowed upon you by God. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
The miracle is the solution to all problems. Step into a real devoted spiritual discipline and uncover everything that is not pure joy through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
There is immense freedom in becoming like a child and relying fully on God for absolutely everything. Discover how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Open to Christ Vision, where miracles illuminate perception and foretell the dawning of Truth in the mind. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers, David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu!
Mastery through love arises from being so prayerful and clueless that you are willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Embrace this state of mind through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat experience with David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
True healing is a decision in the mind to see everything differently! Learn how to embrace this decision and open to a world of innocence and love through this pre-recorded 3-day retreat package with renowned ACIM teacher Frances Xu.
Beyond the world and time is an experience of pure innocence and joy. Turn your devotion inward toward this holy instant through this prerecorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Access an expansive awareness that transcends words and intellectual understanding. Learn how through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers, David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
The present moment is the focal point for all healing, joy, and the remembrance of truth. Learn to fully trust in the present through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Miracles are natural expressions of love, arising from our alignment with the Holy Spirit. Experience involuntary miracles through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers, David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
True prayer is a divine Love song between you and God, where miracles ripple out naturally. Awaken this symphony of Love in your heart through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
When we gladly hand over our lives to living under Christ's control, we experience being clueless, carefree, and cared for. Discover the boundless joy of true freedom through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with David Hoffmeister.
Enter a state of mind where past and future dissolve and oneness is experienced as reality. Learn to embrace this timeless moment through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Our true identity is vast, transcending all limits of time and space. Dive deep into your mind and open to this expansive quantum realm through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Dive into the profound depths of truth and discover the power of divine guidance in this immersive 3-day pre-recorded ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Absolutely nothing in this world can compare to the experience of living a life devoted to God. Learn how to deepen in devotion through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
The entire Awakening journey can be summed up in these three steps! Discover the beauty and practical simplicity of pray, listen, and follow through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
The Holy Spirit can use any of the symbols of time and space to reach your mind. Learn how to tune into guidance through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
To look upon the face of Christ is to see a world of complete innocence and joy. Open your mind to the forgiven world through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Join us for a profound 3-day pre-recorded online ACIM retreat with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers, David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu, as we celebrate the eternal Life and Love of God.
Embark on a transformative journey to consistent happiness through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Enter into a state of mind that is so unified that it is completely free of judgment. Learn how to see with unified awareness through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Only a constant purpose can endow events with a stable meaning. Embrace the Holy Spirit's purpose of forgiveness and learn to apply it through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Tuning into Jesus’ loving guidance is a gentle practice rooted in humility and dedication. Come into an experience of who you are through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Who you truly are is unbound by time and space, eternally free! Be lifted up into expansive joy through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
The only way you go from the doer to pure Spirit is to be “done through” by Jesus. Come into a deep willingness to be a tool for Jesus through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
The most helpful thing you can ever do is to align your mind with the Holy Spirit, to simply be happy. Learn how to live with a joyful, open heart through this pre-recorded 3-day retreat package with renowned ACIM teacher David Hoffmeister.
You have the power in you to draw forth heaven if you choose it. Learn how to embrace this holy purpose for your life through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
You are the light of the world! Awaken to this joyful truth through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Trust would settle every problem now. Learn how to cultivate a deep devotional life where trust becomes as effortless as breathing through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
Open your heart to love and allow yourself to be totally taken care of by your Heavenly Father. Discover abundant joy and effortless provision through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with David Hoffmeister.
Unlearn the world of separation by saying yes to the call of your heart. Discover the profound joy of letting go of all else through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
A Course in Miracles is a powerful and direct pathway to God! Learn how to release the grip of the ego and practice true forgiveness through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
A mind free of judgments is the most delightful state of mind you could ever experience. Open to this vastness and clarity through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.
There is a light in you that lives forever in perfect innocence. Embark on an inner journey back to your eternal holiness through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
In A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us that an experience will come that will end our doubting. Open your heart to this mystical experience through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with ACIM teachers David Hoffmeister and Frances Xu.
Beyond the boundaries and perceptions of this world is a quantum space in your mind where Love radiates Eternally, calling you Home! Open to the vastness of this Love through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Mira
Prayer is like a happy melody that reverberates through you from your heart, extending to everyone. Become an instrument for this song through this pre-recorded 3-day ACIM retreat package with renowned A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.